NÃO INSTALEM O Scratch Live 1.73 AINDA
recebi hj cedo um email do time da Serato se desculpando por um erro encontrado na versão final 1.73 - a recomendação é voltar para a 1.72!!
"after releasing 1.7.3 last night, we discovered a problem whereby cue points and loops might not display properly. With the weekend coming up, and no doubt some important gigs happening, we decided the safest thing to do was to pull the release, and get a fix out as soon as possible.
Please do not use 1.7.3 this weekend! We suggest you switch back to 1.7.2. We have fixed the problem and are currently testing it.
To revert to 1.7.2, download the installer from http://www.scratchlive.net/downloads/
Running the 1.7.2 installer will overwrite 1.7.3.
Many apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Team Serato"
recebi hj cedo um email do time da Serato se desculpando por um erro encontrado na versão final 1.73 - a recomendação é voltar para a 1.72!!
"after releasing 1.7.3 last night, we discovered a problem whereby cue points and loops might not display properly. With the weekend coming up, and no doubt some important gigs happening, we decided the safest thing to do was to pull the release, and get a fix out as soon as possible.
Please do not use 1.7.3 this weekend! We suggest you switch back to 1.7.2. We have fixed the problem and are currently testing it.
To revert to 1.7.2, download the installer from http://www.scratchlive.net/downloads/
Running the 1.7.2 installer will overwrite 1.7.3.
Many apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Team Serato"
O erro já foi encontrado (qdo vc instala ele perde alguns pontos de CUE e LOOPS que foram marcados) e já está corrigido - estão fazendo os testes agora (versão 1.74 Release Candidate 1)!! Assim que mandarem a versão correta, informo novamente!
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